Printer for artist Ho-Wan-Ut "Haila" Old Peter

It was a privilege to work as a printer for Artist in Residence, Ho-Wan-Ut “Haila” Old Peter during session 3 (2018) at Pilchuck Glass School. As a traditional Puget Salish basketry weaver and teacher, Old Peter has devoted over twenty years to the art of basketry. Old Peter specializes in cedar and beargrass baskets with a heavy focus on patterns and contrasting colors. She is committed to teaching and preserving basketry for her family and tribal members. It was a unique collaboration as Old Peter had never experienced printmaking prior to her residency at Pilchuck Glass School. We spoke about the best ways to approach printmaking with her existing knowledge and practice of basketry and below are the resulting prints. Old Peter decided to keep some of the prints as she found them hard to part with, and some of the prints were generously donated to the Pilchuck Glass School collection.

2018-06-21 15.10.50.jpg
2018-06-21 15.10.27.jpg
2018-06-21 15.10.38.jpg
2018-06-29 11.41.20.jpg
2018-06-29 11.41.41.jpg
2018-06-29 11.40.55.jpg
2018-06-29 12.31.50.jpg
2018-06-29 12.30.59.jpg
2018-06-29 12.31.16.jpg